Syria at the 1992 Summer Paralympics

Syria at the 1992 Summer Paralympics - DrawGPT
Syria at the 1992 Summer Paralympics
"Syria, we may be small, but we are mighty!"

Javascript Code

                        // "Syria at the 1992 Summer Paralympics"

// Background
ctx.fillStyle = "#FFDAB9"; // set background color to peachpuff
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 512, 512); // draw a rectangle to fill the canvas

// Syrian Flag
ctx.fillStyle = "#00A3E0"; // set fill color to blue
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 170, 512); // draw a rectangle for the left third of the flag
ctx.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF"; // set fill color to white
ctx.fillRect(170, 0, 170, 512); // draw a rectangle for the middle third of the flag
ctx.fillStyle = "#000000"; // set fill color to black
ctx.fillRect(340, 0, 172, 512); // draw a rectangle for the right third of the flag

// Athlete
ctx.beginPath(); // start drawing the athlete
ctx.fillStyle = "#FFA500"; // set fill color to orange
ctx.arc(256, 256, 100, 0, 2 * Math.PI); // draw a circle for the athlete's head
ctx.fill(); // fill the circle
ctx.fillRect(216, 256, 80, 200); // draw a rectangle for the athlete's body
ctx.beginPath(); // start drawing the athlete's wheelchair
ctx.fillStyle = "#808080"; // set fill color to gray
ctx.arc(196, 456, 40, 0, 2 * Math.PI); // draw a circle for the left wheel
ctx.fill(); // fill the circle
ctx.beginPath(); // start drawing the right wheel
ctx.arc(316, 456, 40, 0, 2 * Math.PI); // draw a circle for the right wheel
ctx.fill(); // fill the circle

// Medal
ctx.beginPath(); // start drawing the medal
ctx.fillStyle = "#FFD700"; // set fill color to gold
ctx.moveTo(406, 306); // move to the top of the medal
ctx.lineTo(436, 356); // draw a line to the right of the medal
ctx.lineTo(376, 356); // draw a line to the left of the medal
ctx.fill(); // fill the shape

// Caption
ctx.fillStyle = "#000000"; // set fill color to black
ctx.font = "30px Arial"; // set font to Arial, 30px
ctx.fillText("Syria at the 1992 Paralympics", 10, 40); // draw the title at the top left of the canvas

// "Syria, we may be small, but we are mighty!"



Created On: May 28, 2023
Created By: @DrawGPT


Model: gpt-3.5-turbo-0301
Time: 45 seconds
Prompt Tokens: 187
Completion Tokens: 557
Total Token Cost: 744


These are recent AI images made by the community! These may use any AI model including DALL-E 3, Flux, Stable Diffusion, GPT-4, o1, and more and may be anything from simple animated SVGs to PNGs.


What is DrawGPT?

DrawGPT is a an AI art generator that uses GPT-4, o1, o3, DALL-E 3, Gemini 2.0, Imagegen 3.0, Flux, Stable Diffusion, and Custom GPTs, ChatGPT, and other large language models to generate new images from text prompts.

Why Is This Different?

This does not require access to premium AI model subscriptions, it is able to be used by anyone with an internet connection and tokens. This allows everyone to get access to the very best AI art generation technology.

Artificial intelligence may create strange or unusual images. It is being used to generated images for advertising, entertainment, gaming, marketing, and fun right now!

Because Draw GPT has access to do many models we assume the model providers have followed best practices when attributing or utilizing data and images in the training data.

Yes! You can use the images for commercial purposes! And so can Draw GPT.

What Can DrawGPT Draw?

DrawGPT can draw anything you can think of and more! Just type your text prompt in to the textbox exactly like ChatGPT and see what the AI gives you! Seriously, you can get GPT to draw just about anything for you that you can type in the box.

DrawGPT creates images in PNG, SVG, and Javascript format for download and use. This is different than other AI art projects that only create images in PNG format; being able to get a scene graph via Javascript draw commands is a unique feature of this project and getting any AI art in SVG vector format is unique to DrawGPT.

Many people use this to generate quick art for simple projects, video game assets, new business logos, and more. It is also used to generate images for advertising, entertainment, gaming, marketing, creating art for ads and blog posts with AI and fun.

Want to learn more about DrawGPT, the types of possible image renders, and how to use DrawGPT in your next project as a developer?
Check out our AI image generation API!

Why Are They Weird?

DrawGPT is runs on an AI that has never actually "seen" an image as embodied AI in its life!

This method of drawing images using raw code is not a great way to draw complex images with lots of structure. It may be able to make photograph quality artwork and professional illustrations with AI but it can fail when using certain types of typography.

Is This ChatGPT?

Yes and no. Same same but different.

ChatGPT runs on the same model that this project uses, so this is like using ChatGPT to generate images, but it is a different instance of the model. This means that the AI is not precisly the same but it is the same quality AI, image generation AI, large language model, and overall AI art that ChatGPT is using and that Chat GPT can draw.

What is the difference? ChatGPT is specifically wired up to be conversational and track a conversation thread across multiple user prompts. Images in ChatGPT using DALL-E 3 are not saved to the Intenet and made available publicly.

In comparison DrawGPT does not remember things from prompt to prompt, each image is a unique image that does not reference any of the images or prompts previously supplied.


You can do what you want it's your party.

We humbly ask that you backlink to DrawGPT if you do use our images in any promotion or commercial ways, but it is not required.

At the moment all images & Javascript code generated by this tool under the CC0 License with outrageous added term that the license can be revoked or retroactively changed at any time without warning for any image.

Yes! You can use the images for commercial purposes! And so can DrawGPT.

Images & Prompts Private

Images & prompts may be made made public.

Depending on the situation the prompts themselves are stored internally for research purposes.

Employees at OpenAI and DrawGPT have access to any prompts you submit.